Monday, March 31, 2008

Big huge labs continued...

What a fab site"big huge labs" is.

WEEK 10 Mashups

This is a mashup jigsaw of my kids at the beach, pretty cool eh? The only downside is that the quality of the image isn't very good, I tried a few different images before choosing this one.

I like the idea of using mashups in the library when designing fliers and posters, I really need to look into the whole thing a little more to get a fuller understanding of how it could be used.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

WEEK 9 Podcasts and audio

I had a look at some of the podcasts linked on the library success wiki, I thought that some of the links were very poor, although I rather liked the idea of the children's stories from Orange Country library and Denver Public library.

If Podcasting is to be a success in public libraries it would have to be kept up to date and be promoted properly. I really do like the idea of youth participation and think that there is a market for them. They could have their own Blog zone linked to the library website were they could add podcasts, comments and all the other fun things we have learned on this course. I am sure that there is a market for them.

The list of how podcasting can be used with in library services is endless really. The obvious being, Author talks, book reviews etc. The library could subscribe to popular links and have the readily available for the public to upload or listen to in the comfort of the library. MMMM Rambling... Definitely can be used as a learning tool, especially in the workplace or in schools.

I personally like to listen to the BBC's radio 2 with host Johnathan Ross while on a long journey in the car or on the train. I recommend that you aave a look at what they have, pretty good stuff. I also recommend having a look at the Abc's night live.

WEEK 8 Slamming the boards

Slamming the boards in your local library sounds good.

My local library provide a service called " Ask a librarian". Questions are e mailed by the patron and answered by the next working day.

With the right promotion and marketing of slamming I believe this could be very successful in public libraries. The decline in reference questions has been noticed in my library, this may be an exciting way of getting students/kids to ask questions and not feel silly by not knowing the answers. Kids spend a lot of time on computers these days, although they may not come to the library physically they could use the librarian to get the required information they need which may also direct them back through the library doors.

I am so over kids thinking that they can Google everything. I am constantly showing kids the database resources that the library have. They are shocked when I take them through a step by step tour of whats on offer, Parents are also dumbfounded at the information which is at the tips of their fingers.

I have also answered a question on Yahoo 7 Answers this week .

Friday, March 28, 2008

Hey guys

Now I have the buttons, please feel free to use them.
I am not too sure why I have a huge gap in my blog page, if anyone has any idea's on how to fix it please let me know.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

WEEK 7 Tagging, folksonomies, delicious and LibraryThing

What a busy week, goodness this is taking up a lot of time. Still getting my head around I added a link to my blog, I would like to have added the buttons though, will have to work on that or find a kind soul to help me.

Love the librarything. I have subscribed and added some books of my own. This will be a useful readers advisory resource with in the library, I will definitely be using it. I am also interested in joining one of the book groups and taking part in some discussions.

I will be spending some more time on week 7 topics and will keep you posted on my progress.

Monday, March 24, 2008

WEEK 6 Video online; Youtube and Google video

Absolutely love the Tube. I can spend ages looking at music video's that you thought were long gone.

I was at Database training at the State Library a wee while ago and the lecturer used U TUBE as a learning tool, in fact it was the same one we viewed for RSS in week 4.

I have added a video bar this week, I just love the dancing monkey's.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

WEEK 5 Explore Wikipedia and wikis; Contribute to a wiki


Added comments to the NSW learning 2.0 Wiki this week.

I like the idea using of wiki use in public libraries, would be pretty good in local or family history, all the history and genealogy buffs would get off on it, correcting one another's entries. LOL.

I actually have a family member who has made it into the world of Wikipedia for his contribution to the game of soccer, maybe it would be fun to add a few entries of my own.

I have found wikipedia to be a useful tool in the library, only the other day a patron requested a time line of Australian Prime ministers, wiki to the rescue, happy patron.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

WEEK 4 RSS; Use an RSS aggregator to connect to 5 RSS feeds

Being a pom I like to keep in with the latest news from the UK, so having a feed from BBC news is great. I also subscribed to Rolling Stone magazine sent to me via Australian/Newzealand Reference Centre and have a feed coming from San Diago Public Library advising me of their latest events.

I like the idea of having a feed from the library alerting customers of the latest events.